Springtime Craft: Attract Butterflies to Your Backyard with a DIY Butterfly Feeder

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With the arrival of spring, there's no better time to get outside with your kids and enjoy the changing season.

One fantastic way to celebrate is by creating a welcoming space for butterflies in your backyard.

Butterflies not only add beauty to your garden but are also important pollinators.

Making a DIY butterfly feeder is a fun craft that encourages creativity, teaches children about nature, and provides an opportunity for quality family time.

Plus, once the feeder is ready, you can enjoy watching your backyard come alive with these beautiful visitors!

What You’ll Need:

- A flat paper plate or shallow dish

- A hole punch (or something to make holes, like a pencil)

- String or yarn (4 equal pieces, about 12 inches each)

- Brightly colored sponges or dish scrubbers

- Scissors

- Sugar water (mix 1 part sugar to 4 parts water, stirring until dissolved)

- Fresh fruit (like bananas, oranges, or watermelon)

Step 1: Prepare the Feeder Base

Begin by taking the flat paper plate or shallow dish. Using the hole punch or pencil, carefully punch four evenly spaced holes around the edge of the plate or dish. These holes will allow the feeder to hang evenly in the air.

Next, cut four pieces of string or yarn, each about 12 inches long. Thread each piece of string through a hole and tie a knot underneath the plate to secure it. Make sure the lengths of the strings are even so that the plate will hang flat. Gather the four loose ends of the strings together and tie them into a single knot at the top. This will create a secure hanger for your feeder, allowing it to sit horizontally when suspended from a branch or hook.

Step 2: Add the Food

Now, it’s time to prepare the “food” for your butterfly guests. Cut the brightly colored sponges or dish scrubbers into small shapes. Butterflies are drawn to bright colors, so let your kids get creative with various shapes and sizes. Place these sponges onto the paper plate or shallow dish.

Pour a small amount of sugar water onto the sponges. The sponges will absorb the liquid, providing an easy and safe place for butterflies to sip. For an added treat, place a few pieces of overripe fruit like bananas, oranges, or watermelon on the plate. The sweet, fermenting fruit will attract butterflies with its strong scent.

Step 3: Hang Your Feeder

Choose the perfect spot in your backyard to hang your butterfly feeder. It should be somewhere sunny but sheltered from strong winds. Butterflies love warmth, and placing your feeder near blooming flowers will make it even more appealing. Use the top knot of the strings to hang your feeder from a tree branch or a hook. Ensure the plate hangs flat and is at a height where your children can easily observe the butterflies.

Step 4: Watch and Learn!

Now comes the exciting part—waiting for butterflies to discover their new feeding station! Encourage your children to observe and identify the different species that visit. They can even keep a nature journal to record their observations, sketching the butterflies they see and noting their behaviors.

This activity is a wonderful way to engage with the spring season and provides an educational experience about the importance of butterflies in our ecosystem. Your kids will learn how small efforts can make a big difference in supporting local wildlife.

Tips for Success:

- Refresh the sugar water and fruit every few days to keep the feeder inviting.

- To avoid attracting unwanted insects like ants, try hanging the feeder from a higher branch or a hook.

- Encourage your children to personalise their feeder! They can decorate the plate with paint or markers to make it even more attractive to butterflies. Try adding some coloured beads to the strings holding it up. Butterflies are attracted to bright colours!

Creating a DIY butterfly feeder is a delightful way to combine crafting with an appreciation for nature.

This simple project can be completed in just a few steps, but the joy of watching butterflies flutter into your backyard will provide lasting memories all season long.

Gather your materials, head outdoors, and let the wonders of spring unfold right in your own backyard!

Loving the nature connection ideas? Here are some more ways we can help you and your family soak up creative time in nature:

  1. Book a Holiday Program: Ready for an adventure? Sign your child up for one of our holiday programs at Wildlings Forest School and let them explore, learn, and grow in nature! Book Now

  2. Celebrate with Us: Looking for a unique and memorable birthday party? Host your child’s next celebration at Wildlings Forest School for an unforgettable day of outdoor fun and exploration! Learn More

  3. Bring Wildlings to Your School or OOSH: Want to bring the Wildlings experience to your school or OOSH? Talk to your school or OOSH coordinator about booking an excursion with us, and let’s make learning in nature a reality! Contact Us

Written by Ellen Nesbitt. Ellen is a nature play advocate and creative writer with a passion for helping families connect with the outdoors. She is dedicated to exploring ways to nurture children's creativity, independence, wellbeing and love for nature.