The Surprising Link Between Nostalgia and Lifelong Wellbeing

Ahh, nostalgia. It’s a bittersweet feeling that can loom out of the smallest things.

The smell of pine needles at Christmas time, kids playing in the forest, peeling fresh prawns on a hot summer day. 

Sometimes it brings joy, as we remember simple, happy moments from our own childhood. Sometimes, it leaves us feeling bereft, missing a time and place that has long since faded into memory, perhaps reminding us of friends and loved ones who are no longer with us.

Parenthood is full of nostalgia, perhaps even moreso during the holidays. Seeing our children ride their bikes, getting excited about Christmas lights and camping trips where each day feels like a week… even writing this I feel a bittersweet sense of loss for the days of my childhood.

It’s no secret that childhood today looks different from our own. Technology and the increasingly fast-paced world we live in have changed our lives irrevocably.

That’s why prioritising free time in nature to play and explore is so important - because if we don’t schedule it, it gets swallowed up by our busy schedules.

Nostalgia hits us in the gut and makes us yearn for the slowness of times gone by. But what if that feeling serves a purpose beyond keeping memories alive?

Could nostalgia actually help us live a healthier, more meaningful life?

The research says yes.

a stable sense of self

A 2015 research study highlighted the stabilising impact of nostalgic reminiscence. The study revealed that nostalgia serves as a powerful force in reinforcing our sense of personal continuity, connecting us to a reservoir of impactful memories intricately woven into our identity. This allows us to recognise that the person who once listened to grandpa's stories, played tennis, and enjoyed high school parties is still inherently the same individual today.


Recalling experiences of unconditional love from childhood becomes a source of reassurance in the present, particularly during challenging moments. These memories act as a catalyst for summoning the courage needed to confront fears, embrace reasonable risks, and tackle life's challenges. Far from confining us to the past, nostalgia becomes a liberating force, fostering personal growth.

coping with adversity

Moreover, extensive studies indicate that individuals inclined toward nostalgia exhibit better coping mechanisms in the face of adversity. They are more prone to seek emotional support, advice, and practical assistance from others, steering clear of distractions that hinder problem-solving.

purpose & meaning

Nostalgia also emerges as a compass guiding individuals toward a meaningful life. It becomes an instinctive tool for finding purpose during uncertain or challenging times. Crucially, nostalgic reflections often center around family, close friends, community, and the preservation of social and cultural fabrics through rituals and traditions. This focus underscores the significance of relationships and shared experiences in crafting a meaningful future. Recent research even suggests that nostalgia possesses the ability to transfer meaning across generations, creating a profound sense of social connection and purpose.

All this to say - the seemingly mundane, commonplace details of our daily lives could actually be the guiding light that gets us through tough times in our future.

These are moments that money can’t buy - the crunch of leaves underfoot, the sweet juiciness of a watermelon enjoyed at the beach, and the laughter of children immersed in play.

And yet these are the moments that get so easily overlooked as we run around trying to keep the family train on track.

Our kids need the small things, and they need us to be present with them in the mundane motions of daily life.

These holidays, let’s remember that the gift of presence is the most precious thing we can give our children - both now and into the future.

Perhaps you can’t be as present as you want to be. That’s ok!

The good news is that there is a space where they can be present, in nature, surrounded by friends, using their bodies and igniting their imaginations.

Here at Wildlings Forest School, our School Holiday Adventure Play Programs are all about creating this space for children to build up a reservoir of meaningful memories that will stay with them throughout their life. Head to our bookings page to secure your spot today!