Tackling Ticks: Know Your Foe

Spring is here, and so are the ticks!

These tiny creatures might seem harmless, but they can pack a punch. In this blog, we'll discuss what ticks are and how to prevent tick-bites and also why they can be more prevalent in spring.

Let's get informed and stay tick-savvy!

What Are Ticks?

Ticks are small arachnids, relatives of spiders, scorpions, and mites. They have eight legs and come in various sizes, but all of them share a common goal: to find a host (that's us or our pets) to feed on. They feed on the blood of animals, including humans, and can transmit diseases in the process.

The Threats They Pose

Ticks might be minuscule, but they can pose significant threats:

1. Disease Carriers

Ticks are notorious disease carriers. They can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, Flinders Island spotted fever and more. These diseases can cause serious health problems if not treated promptly.

2. Allergic Reactions

Some people can have allergic reactions to tick bites, leading to itching, swelling, and skin irritation.

3. Anemia in Pets

Ticks can also harm our furry friends. In pets, a severe tick infestation can lead to anemia (a condition where there are not enough red blood cells).

Why Are Ticks More Prevalent in Spring?

Spring is tick season, and there are reasons for this:

1. Warm Weather

As the weather warms up in spring, ticks become more active. They thrive in temperatures between 7°C to 29°C.

2. Questing Behavior

Ticks display a behavior known as "questing." They climb onto tall grass, leaves, or other vegetation, extending their legs to latch onto passing hosts. Spring's lush greenery provides ample opportunities for ticks to quest.

3. Wildlife Activity

Spring is a time of increased wildlife activity, and many animals serve as hosts for ticks. As animals move around, ticks can easily attach themselves and hitch a ride into your surroundings.

4. Outdoor Adventures

In spring, people and pets tend to spend more time outdoors, increasing the chances of encountering ticks in grassy and wooded areas.

For Parents: Tackling Ticks

1. Dress the Part

When your kids are playing in tick-prone areas like woods or tall grass, dress them in long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed-toe shoes. Ticks can't bite through clothes, so this is your first line of defense.

2. Tick-Check Routine

After outdoor adventures, make a tick-check routine part of your day. Check your child's entire body, paying close attention to warm and hidden spots like armpits, behind ears, and the hairline.

3. Tick-Removal 101

If you spot a tick, don't panic. Although your go-to reaction might be to grab the tweezers and pull them out, the latest research from health.gov.au advises against this method. Their advice is: do not disturb a tick, squeeze, agitate, jerk, or twist a tick, as this will make it more likely that the tick will inject its saliva into the person.

Instead, they suggest killing the tick in place using either an ether-containing spray or permethrin cream. Here are some handy mantras to memorise: For ticks you can see (adult ticks) “Freeze it, don’t squeeze it!” and for ticks you can hardly see (larval and nymph stage ticks) “Dab it, don’t grab it”.

4. Tick-Proof Your Yard

Keep your yard tidy. Mow the grass regularly and remove leaf litter. Consider creating a tick-free zone (using wood chips or gravel) to separate play areas from tick habitats.

5. Insect Repellent

Use an EPA-approved insect repellent on exposed skin and clothing. Follow the label instructions, especially when applying to children.

For Kids: Tick Tips for You!

1. Dress-Up Game

Turn tick protection into a fun game! Pretend you're an adventurer gearing up for a jungle expedition. Dress in cool, long clothes and let your imagination run wild.

2. Cool Tick Check

After your outdoor missions, have a "cool tick check" with your parents. Make it fun by pretending to be detectives searching for hidden critters.

3. Tasty Bug-Repellent Snacks

Some foods like garlic, onions, and citrus fruits can help repel ticks and other bugs. Ask your parents to make a tasty bug-repellent snack for you!

4. Awesome Adventures

Explore the outdoors, but stick to the trails whenever possible. This way, you can have awesome adventures while avoiding tick-infested areas.

5. Superhero Repellent Spray

Pretend your insect repellent is superhero spray. Ask your parents to spray it on you before you head outside to keep those nasty ticks away.

Understanding what ticks are, the risks they pose, and why they're more prevalent in spring is crucial for staying safe. By taking precautions like wearing protective clothing, using repellents, and performing regular tick checks, you can enjoy spring while keeping these tiny foes at bay.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and have a tick-free spring!

We hope this helps you to feel more comfortable navigating tick season with your children. If you’ve got your own tips for preventing tick-bites that we haven’t covered here, let us know over on our socials @wildlings_forestschool.

And if you need a little encouragement and support on your journey with nature play, book into one of our programs and join a community of like-minded families putting the dirt back into childhood. Spaces are available in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast here https://www.wildlingsforestschool.com/bookings.