Why Your Child Needs Immersive Outdoor Experiences

It’s no secret that children need immersive experiences in nature to thrive.

But here's the thing - Nature needs children, too.

“Children’s knowledge of biodiversity is in decline at a time when we need future generations to be more engaged and aware in order to halt its loss. There is a very real need to educate our children as the future guardians of our planet, to provide them with the knowledge they need today to preserve the natural world for tomorrow.” 

Dr Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity  

But sadly, at a time when children and nature need each other more than ever...

There is a downward trend in children's exposure to nature.

When was the last time they had a *whole day* outside, without any outcomes or expectations, surrounded by kids and trees, listening to the trickle of water in the creek and the swish of the leaves in the breeze?

When was the last time they looked out and saw only wild space? No power lines, concrete, square buildings or traffic?

Given the many and varied benefits of nature exposure for children's development, these trends towards an alienation from the natural world are troubling, to say the least.

It's been dubbed by researchers as an "extinction of experience" - and we're here to put an end to it!

Together, we can overcome the barriers to getting our kids outdoors and be the change we wish to see in the world.

Let's dive into why your child needs more than just a quick visit to the park – they need immersive experiences outdoors to support their overall health and wellbeing.

The Benefits of Nature-Based Play

Research has shown that engaging in nature-based play or simply being visually exposed to natural settings can significantly enhance your child's wellbeing. From boosting their psychological health and emotional functioning to aiding in cognitive development, nature has a profound impact on our children's lives. Additionally, spending time in nature has been linked to helping children recover from stressful events, improve their ability to make friends, and increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

The Critical Period of Middle Childhood

Middle childhood, typically spanning from ages 6 to 12, is a crucial time in your child's development. During this period, their curiosity and interest in the natural world are at their peak. By immersing them in nature during these formative years, we can instill a lifelong appreciation for the outdoors and its wonders.

Quality Matters: Creating Meaningful Interactions with Nature

Not all natural environments are created equal. The quality of a specific natural environment – from its vegetation to its visual aesthetics – plays a significant role in supporting your child's needs. By providing varied opportunities for interactions with nature, we can positively influence your child's psychological wellbeing and overall development.

The Restorative Power of Nature

Studies have shown that exposure to nature helps children improve attention, inhibit impulses, and reduce hyperactivity. Nature also promotes physical activity and fosters positive social interactions among children. These restorative benefits are especially crucial in today's world, where children are spending more time indoors than ever before.

Overcoming the Trend of Nature Deficit

Despite the recognised benefits of nature exposure, there is a concerning downward trend in children's exposure to the natural world. Factors such as parental concerns about safety, tight schedules, and the allure of screen devices contribute to this "nature deficit”, a term coined by Richard Louv to describe the the human costs of alienation from nature. While studies have shown that this detachment from nature can be detrimental to children's health and wellbeing, the movement to get kids back out into nature needs our support now more than ever.

Promoting Outdoor Policies for Positive Change

To counteract the trend of nature deficit, we need to prioritise outdoor experiences for our children. This means redesigning school playgrounds and residences to incorporate more green spaces, promoting nature-based education in schools, and considering outdoor experiences as a health priority. By embracing these policies, we can ensure that our children, adolescents, and entire communities benefit from the restorative effects of nature.

In conclusion, your child needs more than just a quick visit to the park – they need immersive experiences in nature to thrive.

By providing them with ample opportunities to explore and play outdoors, we can nurture their physical, emotional, and cognitive development, and instill a lifelong love for the natural world.

As a collective, we need to advocate for children's rights to experience slow, deep, autonomous play in nature.

Our planet is depending on us, and so are our kids.

Our full-day adventure play programs are all about giving kids the nature-fix they need to thrive - while creating wild, memorable experiences that they'll remember for the rest of their lives.

Head to our bookings page today to learn more about our immersive nature play programs in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.