Wildlings Forest School is strictly tobacco, drug and alcohol free. In order to keep children, educators, families and visitors free from the dangers of drugs, including illegal substances, alcohol and tobacco, the following rules apply:

The consumption of tobacco, drugs and alcohol is prohibited in all areas of the service including 

-  Inside

- Outside (onsite) in nature

- Outside in the car-park

Smoking and the consumption of alcohol is also prohibited:

-  On incursions or excursions at any point during the event

-  While travelling with a child

- At educator meetings

- At parent meetings

Please note it is illegal to smoke on Company property/leases or within four metres of any part of a pedestrian access point (entrance or exit) to the program while the Company is running programs with children.

In relation to social events at the Company involving Company families:

- Smoking is prohibited, whether in work hours or not  alcohol may be - Alcohol may only be brought onto Company property/leases immediately prior to the commencement of the gathering, and only after all children have been collected.

- Any leftover alcohol will be removed from the premises immediately after the gathering concludes.

Alcohol will not be stored for any length of time on Company premises.

Photos will be used (instead of real alcohol) to represent any alcoholic raffle prizes, and alcoholic prizes will not be stored on service premises.

Any alcoholic gifts given to educators or staff will be removed from service premises immediately (e.g. placed in individual’s car if this is not parked on service premises.)

Under no circumstances will any person enter the premises if they are affected by alcohol or drugs, including prescription medication, if in any way the consumption of these items impairs their capacity to supervise, educate or care for children. 

The Company will display ‘No Smoking’ signs on the property, and provide families with access to relevant smokefree resources from Health (Qld).

Where relevant, educators will engage children in conversations or learning experiences that promote the benefits of a tobacco, drug and alcohol free lifestyle.


All workplace participants have responsibility for ensuring a tobacco, alcohol and drug free program is maintained. 

• Familiarise self and behave in accordance with the Company’s Policies and Procedures and are encouraged to report conduct and behaviour that is inconsistent with the above requirements.

• Regularly discuss work performance and behaviour with their team, to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the policies and conduct expected of them, and to provide timely and appropriate feedback as required

• Provide support to Managers in administering consistent, fair, and transparent performance management and disciplinary processes in accordance with this policy and procedure


    • If a work participant, parent or member of the public is found to have breached the policy, the Manager must act as soon as practically possible, calmly evict that person from the premises. Issues are to be attended to as early as practicable to encourage an informal resolution as opposed to a more formal intervention at a later stage. 


    1. Incidents should be recorded as an ‘Incident Report’ and if the incident involves a staff member, followed up with an ‘Informal Counselling Session’ as part of the ‘Unsatisfactory Work Performance Procedure’.

    2. All stages of the disciplinary process are to be documented. Detailed minutes of discussions/meetings and interviews are to be recorded and stored confidentially in a secure location. It is important to document the discussions including areas of concern, any mitigating factors, and a defined and agreed period of time for improvement.

    3. In the event that a digital recording device is to be used to record the interview by one of the parties, all parties should be informed that such a device is to be used and they are to be offered a copy of the recording on completion of the interview. The copy should be supplied within three working days. 


    • The Company expects all work participants to ensure they are demonstrating behaviour that is in line with this policy whilst engaged in official duties or while they could be perceived as representing the Company.

    • A breach of this policy may lead to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, termination of employment or services.


    • The Company reserves the right to vary, replace or terminate this policy from time to time. 

    • All workplace participants have the responsibility to comply with this policy and all other policies which the Company implements and/or varies from time to time.


    • If a workplace participant is unsure about any matter covered by this Policy (including how it relates to them), they should seek the assistance of Management. 


  • Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

  • National Quality Standard

  • Early Years Learning Framework

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

  • Tobacco Act 1987

Policy Updated 26th March, 2022

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