embedding bush kindy

So you’ve done our intro to Bush KIndy course and you’re ready to move forward. Join us as we teach you how to embed bush kindy in your service:

Addressing Common Barriers:

  1. What Are Your Barriers?

  2. The Weather

  3. Logistics

  4. Transit

  5. Insurance

  6. Uninspiring Spaces

  7. Plant Safety, ID and Seed Collection

  8. Ratios

  9. Risk Averse Stakeholders and Uninspired Staff

  10. Finding a Location

  11. Wildlife

  12. What to Do in an Emergency

  13. Common Wildlife

Risk Benefits

  1. Venue Risk Assessment

  2. Dynamic Risk Assessment and Safety Sweep

Nature Play in Action

  1. Group Management

  2. Every Day Nature Play (Rocks, Sticks, Mud)

  3. Tree Climbing


  1. Respectful Communication

  2. Behaviour Support

  3. Your Role

Equipment and Planning

  1. Essential Equipment

  2. Clothing for the Outdoors

  3. Resource Provision

  4. Planning

  5. ACARA Mapping Tool

  6. EYLF Mapping Tool

  7. Sustainability