The Screen Time Struggle: Why Nature Should Reign Supreme During School Holidays

Screens empower us to do incredible things - but there’s no doubt they are having an impact on children’s growth and development.

Screen time usage in childhood is on the rise, with new findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics suggesting that screen time could be robbing the average three-year-old of 1,100 adult words, 840 vocalisations and 194 conversations a day.

Researchers have also warned parents to beware of "technoference" — a term for screens and devices getting in the way of the conversations that help children develop a range of key educational skills (ABC News 2024).

We know there are consequences, but sometimes there are so many demands on us as parents that managing our kids’ screen time just feels like one extra thing to worry about.

We get it - and we’re not here to make you feel guilty (we’re sure you’re dealing with enough of that!)

But we are here to offer a solution - especially for parents with Minecraft-obsessed kids!

As school holidays approach, it's crucial for parents to prioritise outdoor play in nature as a means of counteracting the negative impacts of screen time and promoting holistic well-being in their children.

Read on to learn more about the newest addition to our holiday programs - Mission: MINECRAFT Off-Grid!

  1. The Impact of Screen Time on Childhood

    Excessive screen time has been linked to a host of negative effects on childhood development, including decreased physical activity, disrupted sleep patterns, and impaired social and emotional skills.

    Prolonged exposure to screens can also contribute to attention difficulties, poor academic performance, and increased risk of obesity.

    As screens increasingly encroach upon every aspect of children's lives, it's essential for parents to recognise the importance of striking a balance and providing opportunities for unplugged, outdoor play.

  2. The Benefits of Outdoor Play in Nature

    Spending time outdoors in nature offers a myriad of benefits for children's physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

    From the simple joy of running barefoot through the grass to the sense of wonder inspired by exploring the natural world, outdoor play stimulates the senses and promotes holistic development.

    Nature provides a rich sensory experience, allowing children to engage their senses and connect with the world around them in meaningful ways.

  3. Reconnecting with the Natural World

    School holidays offer a precious opportunity for children to disconnect from screens and reconnect with the natural world.

    Whether it's exploring local parks and trails, building sandcastles on the beach, or embarking on nature hikes, outdoor play provides endless opportunities for adventure and exploration.

    By immersing themselves in nature, children develop a sense of curiosity, creativity, and resilience that cannot be replicated by screens.

  4. Nurturing Healthy Habits and Relationships

    Encouraging outdoor play in nature during school holidays helps children develop healthy habits and foster meaningful relationships.

    Outdoor activities promote physical fitness and well-being, reducing the risk of sedentary behavior and associated health problems.

    Additionally, spending time outdoors with family and friends strengthens bonds and creates lasting memories that children will cherish for years to come.

  5. Cultivating Lifelong Appreciation for the Environment

    Perhaps most importantly, outdoor play in nature instills a lifelong appreciation for the environment and fosters a sense of stewardship for the natural world.

    By immersing themselves in nature, children develop a deep connection to the Earth and gain firsthand experience of its beauty, diversity, and fragility.

    These experiences lay the foundation for future environmental stewardship and inspire children to protect and preserve the planet for generations to come.

i get it, i try to entice my child off-screen and outdoors, but they only want to play Minecraft!

so, you’ve got a blockhead on your hands - we’ve got just the thing for you…


Calling all block heads!

Venture into the Overworld Forest with us and experience the magic of Minecraft in real life.

Set amidst beautiful natural spaces, this immersive Minecraft-themed forest school session promises a full-day of exciting activities, creativity, and outdoor exploration.

During these sessions, children will have supervised use of our hand tools including saws, hammers, hand drills, whittling knives and fire strikers.

They will choose from a myriad of natural resources to inspire their imagination, encourage problem solving and engage their fine motor skills as they are given autonomy to explore and observe the natural world. 

Throughout the day, children will:

  • Learn how to (safely) start a fire with flint and steel - and open portals to other realms

  • Build, manage and cook on our very own campfire - gotta keep those red hearts full if we’re going to survive the mobs!

  • Whittle and construct weapons using whittling knives, saws, hammers and hand drills - bows and arrows aren’t just for zombies, and a block head won’t get far in the Overworld without a sword and pickaxe

  • Take shelter from the mobs by building a cubby with ropes and tarps

  • Toggle into creative mode and design their own Minecraft-inspired naturecrafts - they’ll need a trusty compass to explore far-off biomes

  • Design their own armour and prepare for sneaky creeper attacks

  • Engage in strategic games and join forces with fellow villagers to retrieve the Ender Dragon egg and survive the zombie apocalypse

*Please note: the forest is a screen-free space for kids, and no devices will be provided for this session. Instead, we’ll be trying our best to re-create the fun they have on-screen in the lush, wild spaces of Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.

Join us for an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! Limited spots available - reserve your place in the Overworld today!

This session is guaranteed to sell out - so what are you waiting for? Head to our bookings page to find a session near you these school holidays.