Our North West Adventures, Misadventures and Learnings with Nicki and Vicci

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In this episode, Vicci and Nicki chat about all their 11 day camping adventure to the remote North West Island with a group of 45 people, their adventures, misadventures and what they took away from the trip.

We talk about:

  • What filled our cup

  • The logistics of getting there and communal cooking

  • The adventures on the Great Barrier Reef

  • The misadventures (including a chopper ride for one family, a coastguard ride for Nicki and an emergency visit) and what we learnt from them

  • How we knew our business would be fine with us both away because we encourage: Knowledge sharing and building people's confidence - which is like incorporating forest schooling philosophies into our business

With the main tips of:

  • Don't keep all the knowledge. Skill share and build up the people around you

  • Don't hold off on doing the things that bring you joy! Make time for your priorities in life

  • Don't let a lack of 'experience' be a barrier. Expand on people's deep passions and watch them fly!

If you’re a regular around here at Raising Wildlings then you’ll know that we are all about taking the road less traveled but… sometimes you also need a map to know where you’re going!

So, if you’re someone who works with children, believe us when we say that starting your own Nature Play Business will lead you to some of your GREATEST teaching moments. 

But to get to those moments, you’ll need to pull up your bootstraps and get to work. So let us guide you on those first important steps on your journey!

Join our FREE 4 Day Challenge to start your own wildly successful Nature Play Business here: www.wildlingsforestschool.com/wild-business.  And let’s get you on your way to where you want to go!