Posts tagged fear
S2E45: Nutritious Movement with Katy Bowman

We know that as a society we are living an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and children have never moved as little as they do today. That’s why people like Katy Bowman, author of Move your DNA and now her latest book Grow Wild, are so important in helping us to recognise why we need to move more. Katy joins us today from the US to chat to us about movement and to give us some simple actionable changes that aim to combat our super sedentary culture.

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S2E35: Snakes, Phobia and Ecology with Snake Catcher Gemma Smith

Imagine a place where it is believed that kids are more capable than we know – so capable that they make rollercoasters and treehouses, from concept through to the full build, using real tools and the secret ingredient, time. What I am describing is the Tinkering School. Today I have the man behind the concept joining me all the way from the US, welcome Gever Tully.

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S2E25: Benign Neglect and the Impacts of Zero-Risk Culture with Tim Gill

What is the biggest risk to children in 2021? It could just be not allowing children to take any risks at all? In this episode we talk with Risk Play advocate, Tim Gill, all about risk and adventure play in childhood, child-friendly urban design and the tools we use to change the face of public policy in relation to play.

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